When you give us feedback

  • We share compliments with the staff and area the feedback is about
  • We share all suggestions with the relevant unit manager and our consumer engagement team
  • We consider all suggestions and take action where we can
  • We review complaints and let you know about any decisions or action we take

We also keep a record of all the complaints and compliments we get.

We treat all complaints confidentially and they are not connected to your health record.

You don't have to give us your contact details, but if you don't we won't be able to respond to your complaint.

Read about how we keep your information safe on the Queensland Government website.

You can also read our consumer feedback management procedure [PDF 658.87 KB] to learn more about how we treat your feedback.

Making a complaint

You can make a complaint if you're not happy with the service we gave you. You can also make a complaint for someone else if they agree.

Before making a formal complaint, we recommend you talk to the staff looking after you. You can also talk to the manager of the health service you're at.

When you make a complaint, we'll let you know we've got it within 5 days. We'll then review your complaint and let you know the result within 35 days.

Sometimes we might need more time to look into your complaint. If that happens, we'll call or email you to let you know.

If you're not happy with the result you can:

You can give us feedback using our online form.

Raise concerns about a patient's health (Ryan's Rule)

If you're worried about someone in hospital who is getting worse or not improving, you can use Ryan's Rule to get help.

Learn more about Ryan's Rule on the Clinical Excellence Queensland website.

Complaint statistics

Under the Public Service Act 2008 we must publish information about the complaints we get including how many:

  • we get each year
  • we've resolved without further action required
  • needed further action.

We won't publish your personal information.

Statistics for the 2021-2022 financial year

We received a total of 1,515 complaints. Of these, 99 were resolved without further action required. 1,416 needed further action.