Barnyard bliss: Old Macdonald’s Travelling Farm visits Maryborough Hospital

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Image for Barnyard bliss: Old Macdonald’s Travelling Farm visits Maryborough Hospital

Staff, patients and visitors all thoroughly enjoyed the visit from Old McDonald’s Travelling Farm, thanks to the Maryborough Hospital Auxiliary

In September, Maryborough Hospital had the pleasure of hosting Old Macdonald’s Travelling Farm. This special event, generously sponsored by the Maryborough Hospital Auxiliary, was a remarkable initiative aimed at creating positive and memorable experiences for our valued patients.

Animal therapy has long been recognised for its profound impact on wellbeing, and this visit was no exception. Through the support of the Auxiliary, we were able to provide our patients with a therapeutic escape from their daily routines, offering them a chance to interact with the gentle creatures from Old Macdonald’s Travelling Farm.

Tracey Cropp, Nurse Unit Manager of the Rehab Unit, expressed her enthusiasm for the event, emphasising its significance in brightening the patients' days.

"Our aim was to create a memorable experience for our patients and offer them a therapeutic escape from their daily routines," she shared.

"The visit was a welcomed distraction from their clinical environment, allowing patients to momentarily forget about their ailments and focus on the joy that animals can bring."

Witnessing the positive impact the animals had on our patients was truly heartening. Their smiles, laughter, and moments of connection with the animals served as a powerful reminder of the healing potential that lies within these gentle creatures.

In addition to benefiting our patients, this initiative also provided a wonderful opportunity for our dedicated staff and volunteers to engage with the community in a unique and meaningful way. The event served as a boost to morale and wellbeing, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared joy among all who were present.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Maryborough Hospital Auxiliary for their generous sponsorship, which made this unforgettable event possible. Their commitment to enhancing the patient experience through initiatives like this is a testament to the incredible community support we have here at Maryborough Hospital.