Consumer EOI - Research Consumer Advisory Group

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Wide Bay HHS is seeking consumer representatives to partner with us on the Research Consumer Advisory Group.

About the Consumer Advisory Group

The Research Consumer Advisory Group (RCAG) is chaired by a consumer and works in partnership with Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service to strengthen the consumer voice in Research Services.

As a member of the RCAG you will have the opportunity to:

  • work alongside a researcher as they develop their project
  • share your lived experience with researchers to help them make decisions about their research
  • co-design publications used to promote research projects, inform participants in research projects  and/or share the findings of the research

The RCAG provides comment and advice to:

  • ensure consumer needs are taken into consideration in research and clinical trial service planning, design, delivery, monitoring and evaluation
  • inform policy and/or procedure development where appropriate
  • highlight current consumer and/or community priority areas, issues and trends in relation to research and/or clinical trials
  • ensure that the focus of WBHHS research and clinical trial services are consistent with the strategic vision Care, connection, compassion for all
  • positively influence person centred care in relation to research and clinical trial services
  • support consumers’ ability to find, understand and use information about WBHHS research and clinical trial services.
Skills and Talents

The people we are seeking will:

  • support collaborative working and shared decision-making
  • promote and support safe and respectful behaviour
  • demonstrate WBHHS values of collaboration, accountability, respect and excellence
  • be able to think strategically and problem solve across professional disciplines, service lines, Directorates, tertiary and non-government sector
  • confidently engage with clinicians
  • have ability to be contacted via email and engage in virtual meetings.
  • commit time to participate in the work of the RCAG
Time Commitment
  • Consumer orientation training, approximately 4 hours face to face (new WBHHS consumer representatives)
  • Research Consumer specific training, approximately 3 hours online
  • Every six weeks, Wednesdays, 2:00-3:00 pm (attendance at 80%  of meetings is required)
  • 1 hour reading time between meetings
  • Optional consumer networking events – 2 - 4 per year
How we will support you

We will:

  • provide you with training and orientation to WBHHS
  • clearly explain the role and responsibilities
  • introduce you to your key support person who can assist you with any questions or concerns
  • support your participation by providing reasonable accommodations (eg accessibility, cultural, dietary, carer, emotional or other needs)
  • explain if and how you may be able to seek reimbursement of out of pocket expenses, eg mileage, including how to claim.
Please let us know if you are interested

If you are interested in joining the Research Consumer Advisor Group, please complete the online form

Applicants will be shortlisted and then invited to meet with the Chair and/or their delegate for final selection.

Please do not hesitate to contact Jo Lovie by email if you have any questions.