Zoey Kratzmann
A/Executive Secretary
How long have you been with WBHHS?
7 years
How do you describe what you do?
I provide high-level professional support to the Chief Executive of WBHHS, managing the day-to-day detail and functions of the office.
What's best about your job?
I love the variety that each day brings, the fast-paced environment, and the personal growth along the way. Working with such an amazing team also makes coming to work each day so much more enjoyable.
What was your path into health care?
Before working for Queensland Health, I worked in a local private Medical Practice. I thoroughly enjoyed working in the health care sector, so when an opportunity presented to apply here at Bundaberg Hospital, I jumped at the chance.
What does being part of a team mean to you?
Being part of a team is very important to me, including:
- Trusting in each other’s skills and expertise.
- Having the same goals e.g. always patient centered and ensuring the very best service and outcomes are reached and maintained.
- -Supporting each other through the good and tough times.
- Diversity in our unique perspectives is very important, including our backgrounds.
When you're not at work, you are...
At home in my garden or playing golf with my husband
What do you enjoy about living in the Wide Bay?
The weather, our beautiful beaches and that we are so close to many amazing attractions
Tell us a fun fact about you.
I have a twin sister who is 15 minutes older.
What song are you listening to most right now?
I love all country hits, but I am loving Max McNown ‘A Lot More Free’.