Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service has unveiled an Honour Board to recognise its Fraser Coast Medical Education Awardees.
The Honour Board was designed and donated by the Hervey Bay Woodcrafts Club, which is linked to the health service through retired Hervey Bay Hospital surgeon Dr Henk Van Rooyen.
Russell McCaliece, the President of the Hervey Bay Woodcrafts Club, crafted the beautiful board out of special 7 ply laminated hoop pine.
Director of Clinical Training for Hervey Bay Hospital Dr John Inderhaug said the health service was grateful to the Hervey Bay Woodcrafts Club for putting their time, effort and expertise into the Honour Board.
“It’s wonderful to have the Hervey Bay Woodcrafts Club support our hospital and provide us with an Honour Board that highlights the outstanding educators within our local hospital team,” Dr Inderhaug said.
“To have skilled members of the club design and craft it provides our hospital with a high-quality Honour Board which also has a true connection to the community that we partner with and support each day. It is from the Community, for the Community.
“It adds to that connection that a former member of our team, Dr Van Rooyen is a member of the club and contributed to the creation of the Honour Board.
Dr Van Rooyen served at Hervey Bay Hospital as a staff specialist surgeon for 18 years from 2003-2021, and held the position of clinical director in 2003/2004 and again in 2006/2007. He also served as the University of Queensland (UQ) Rural Clinical School Hervey Bay Discipline Lead for Surgery and Senior Lecturer for many years
“To have highly-valued former members of medical workforce continue to show their support for Hervey Bay Hospital and our current doctor cohort is incredibly generous,” Dr Inderhaug said.
“Dr Van Rooyen was a well-respected member of the Hervey Bay Hospital team who was passionate about education and training across the medical training continuum.
“He was instrumental in getting accreditation for Royal Australian College of Surgeons registrars and their training following that accreditation. He was also approached by the University of Queensland Rural Clinical School while Clinical Director to take medical students at the hospital.
“The impact of that contribution can be seen today through our continued partnership with the UQ Rural Clinical School and the work of our Medical Education Unit.
“Another example being that 22% of WBA Program graduates continue to serve the community as local GPs.”
The Honour Board was unveiled by Dr Inderhaug and by the UQ Rural Clinical School representative Associate Professor Penelope Prasad at the April Grand Rounds.
About the Fraser Coast Teaching Awards
University of Queensland Regional Clinical Unit and Hervey Bay Hospital Medical Education Unit combined to hold the Inaugural Fraser Coast Teaching Awards late last year. The awards recognise and acknowledge outstanding and dedicated educators supporting medical students and junior doctors as they progress through their medical careers.
Medical students and Junior Doctors nominated outstanding educators in a number of categories (details below), which included their medical educators, but also recognised the important role that the multidisciplinary team and support staff play in the education and support of the entire junior doctor cohort.
Dr Himali Ihalagama took home the Medical Educator of the Year award, having received the most nominations across both the students and junior doctor cohorts.
The inaugural award winners are the first names to be inscribed on the Honour Board.
The complete list of award winners:
- Medical Student award for Outstanding Junior Educator: Dr James Newman, Registrar, Emergency
- Medical Student award for Outstanding Senior Educator: Dr Himali Ihalagama, Staff Specialist, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Medical Student award for Outstanding Multidisciplinary Team Educator: Jacqueline Haskew, Nurse Manager – Business Practice Improvement Officer
- Medical Student award for Outstanding Support Staff: Angela Walden, Clinical Director Support Officer, Paediatrics and Obstetrics & Gynaecology Departments
- Junior Doctor Award for Outstanding Educator in a Large Department: Dr Dinusha Hewage, Staff Specialist, Medicine
- Junior Doctor Award for Outstanding Educator in a Small Department: Dr Himali Ihalagama, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Junior Doctor Award for Outstanding WBA Program Assessor: Dr Hayden Christie, Clinical Director, Cancer Care
- Junior Doctor Award for Outstanding Multidisciplinary Team Educator : Mark Thomson, Senior Pharmacist
- Junior Doctor Award for Outstanding: Rachel Baird, Clinical Director Support Officer, Medicine Department
- Medical Educator of the Year: Dr Himali Ihalagama, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
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