![Mental Health Week Exhibtion](https://www.widebay.health.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/image/0026/193661/7.-Mental-Health-Week-Exhibtion-HERO.jpg)
During October we observed Mental Health Week. A key theme was highlighted - prioritising mental wellbeing is not just a personal journey; it's a collective effort. Everyone has a role in shattering the stigma surrounding mental health and making conversations about it as common as discussing physical health.
As an organisation we had a number of wonderful initiatives take place in the community.
Gatakers Creative Space Exhibition 'Awareness, Belonging, Connection'
As part of Queensland Mental Health Week an exhibition was on show at Gatakers Creative Space showcasing works from consumers who participated in art classes with local artist Jassy Watson.
The participants were able to express themselves through their art, celebrate resilience and promote mental wellbeing.
This six-week program was a collaboration between RFQ - Richmond Fellowship Queensland and Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service.
This initiative was instrumental in reaching out to people who may often find themselves isolated at home, doubting their artistic abilities and lacking access to traditional art classes.
During the grand opening visitors were able to vote for a “People’s Choice” award with this prize going to Danny with his art piece titled “NOW”.
“NOW” is about being present in the moment, something that Danny is learning through his recovery journey through meditation.
Danny states “when I am in the NOW, I am my happiest. It brings me peace of mind”.
This event was made possible by funding from the Regional Arts Development Fund.
Mind Over Miles: Mental Health Week Parkrun Takes Over a Success
On October 14 we painted the region purple during our parkrun takeover.
More than 400 people at Gayndah, Bundaberg, Hervey Bay, and Maryborough took the chance to get active, connect with neighbours, and help raise awareness to shatter the stigma surrounding mental health.
Lighthouse Crisis Support Space opens
Bundaberg Hospital's new Lighthouse Crisis Support Space is now open, offering vital after-hours crisis care to Queenslanders experiencing mental health distress.
Offering care from peer workers and mental health clinicians, it will initially operate from 2-9pm Thursday to Monday and can be accessed via the Emergency Department.
However, the intention is to increase opening hours to seven days a week, as well as offer direct referral.