As we recognise Child Protection Week, WBHHS’s Child Advocacy Teams are reminding us of the role we can play in keeping children safe and well - whether that be as workers, as individuals, as community members and as volunteers.
This year’s theme, ‘every child, in every community, needs a fair go’, focuses on the importance of ‘where we start matters’.
Where we start our lives in terms of where we live, the resources available to us, and the opportunities presented to us makes a significance difference to life outcomes.
Where we start as decision makers in addressing large complex policy problems such as child abuse and neglect, also has a significant personal, social, and economic outcome.
Child Advocacy Team teams are available to provide support and advice for staff who raise concerns about children exposed to or at risk of abuse and neglect.
Staff who are concerned about the safety of a child, are encouraged to contact the Child Advocacy Team who will be happy to give advice on how to best address your concerns. Every health contact is an opportunity to support a family and protect a child.
WBHHS’s Child Advocacy Teams can be contacted by the below:
- Bundaberg – 4150 2736 | BBH-CAT@health.qld.gov.au
- Fraser Coast – 0418 716 939 | CPU-FraserCoast@health.qld.gov.au.
To make a report about child abuse or neglect to Child Safety:
- Phone the Regional Intake Service on 1300 683 042 to notify them of your report.
- Complete the Online Reporting Form via QHEPS.
- Print two copies of the online form and file one copy in the patient’s chart and send the second copy to the Child Advocacy Team.