WBHHS Health Hero - Lee Hanson

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WBHHS Health Hero Lee Hanson

Lee Hanson

Booking Officer, Specialist Outpatients Department

How long have you been with WBHHS?
Almost 14 years

How do you describe what you do?
I am a Booking Officer in Specialist Outpatients Department where I hold the portfolio of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Rheumatology care. I manage waiting lists, am the first point of contact for our EPAC ladies, process Antenatal referrals, review upcoming clinics to ensure doctors time is utilised - just to name a few.

What’s best about your job?
The O & G team. We have worked wonderfully together for a long time and are like a well oiled machine. Working with the SOPD team in its entirety in all honesty. We all work extremely hard and really do want to make a difference for patient care and the health service.

What was your path into health care?
I was working at Skin Alert part time after having my 2 girls and unfortunately it was closing down. I had always taken an interest in the administration side of healthcare as appose to clinical so sought out work for the health service. Thankfully I was hired to work directly with SOPD. Almost 14 years later and here we are.

What does being part of a team mean to you?
I think team work is a must in our organisation as well as communication. I am a huge advocate for communication – with the team and with each other. Teamwork improves patient care, outcomes and collaboration.

When you’re not at work, you are…
Tinkering. I tinker with my indoor plants at home, re-arrange furniture (much to the despair of my husband) or listen to music (Paris café music or 1940s music).

What do you enjoy about living in Wide Bay?
The people, the weather, it is close to the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane. Working 8 minutes from home is a lot better than 1.5 hours of a morning and afternoon by train. Small happies.

Tell us a fun fact about you.
I love the colour pink, I love people and I love plants.

What song are you listening to most right now?
Luck be a lady – Frank Sinatra